Cast & Crew Page/Dates

2017-18 Heart-A-Rama Important Dates         
Please Print and Put Dates on Your Calendar!

Nov. 8, 2017...Wednesday  - Read Scripts at Meadow Lanes North, Manitowoc 7:00PM                                      Producers, Directors, Costume and Set Design Chairs required to attend!
                       *** Directors please have Costume and Set needs along with your scripts!!  
January 2018...Sweetheart Callers begin, Sweetheart Ticket and Advertising Letters Go Out

Feb 7, 2018...Wednesday...Auditions at Capitol Mertens/Kadow Room -  7:00 PM 

Feb 11, 2017...Sunday...     Auditions at Capitol  Mertens/Kadow Room  -  1:00 PM

Feb. 28...Wednesday... Tech Meeting T. R.  Community House - 7:00PM
                         This is for all Directors, Producers, and Tech Comm.  chairs (Including Light,                       Sound, Music, Set design/ Building,   Costume, Make-up, Props and Stage Crew)

March 5... Monday... Rehearsal Schedules to Jim and James; they will check for conflicts and send to Steve at Meadow Lanes North.

March 7...Wednesday... Chairman/Cast/Crew Ticket Sale and Poster Pick - 6:00 PM
                              Meadow Lanes North(Lower Level), remainder of tickets available of March 8th

March 7... Wednesday... Sweetheart Names to Sweetheart Calling Chairman, Elaine Schroeder

March 9...Friday... All Program Material to BOTH  Emily Knier and Malachia Dabeck  

April 4...Wednesday...Last Date for all costumes, props, set pieces delivered to directors at                                            Meadow Lanes

April 7... Saturday...All PowerPoints and/or Slides for show to Tech Director 

April 20,21...Friday, Saturday...Move In  -  Community House

April 21...Saturday...Tech  Cue to Cue Rehearsal9:00 A.M.   -  (each Director 15 min.) 

April 22 ...Sunday ...Dress Rehearsal  -  1:00 PM

April 23 ...Monday ...Dress Rehearsal  -   7:00 PM

April 26, 27, 28 and May 3, 4, 5 SHOWS

May 5, 6... Saturday/Sunday...Move Out of Community House -  Strike, Pack, Clean and Move                                                                everything out of  Two Rivers.    
                                                             Help is needed by all!!

May 22...Tuesday... All Chairman/Director Wrap Up Meeting  - 6:30PM 
                                        TR Community House